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Our attention to detail, cast with experience & expertise makes Boondocks Taxidermy your premier choice for turkey products.

With Turkey Heads & BAD Boy Bodies by Boondocks Taxidermy we offer the same range of freeze-dried turkey heads and turkey bodies that the other guys do, but with one exception... it's not just business, we make it personal.

Turkey Heads
Turkey Heads

Turkey HeadsAt Turkey Heads & BAD Boy Bodies by Boondocks Taxidermy we offer both painted and unpainted freeze-dried turkey heads as well as stock turkey heads(when available). Our turkey heads are skinned, chemically treated for insects, and mounted using live reference. We use glass eyes with no eye ring. The turkey heads are put on our own forms cast from actual turkeys. They are then injected to give them that "pumped up" look and checked for symmetry and eyeset before going into the freeze-dryer. We understand that due to the turkey's ability to alter its appearance(head color, position, etc.), our perception of how a freeze-dried turkey head should look and your perception may differ, so we are open to suggestion on how you want your heads to look (more/less pumped, waddles higher/lower, snod up/straight/to the side, paint colors, etc.) and will do our best to accomodate you. We just need you to let us know what you want. Our goal is to earn and keep your business by satisfying you with the high standard of quality and realism we maintain with reasonable turn-around time and pricing. We have been freeze-drying turkey heads for ourselves and local taxidermists for about 13 years. We thank you for your interest in Turkey Heads & BAD Boy Bodies by Boondocks Taxidermy and we hope to do business with you soon.

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BAD Boy Bodies
Turkey Bodies and BAD Boy Bodies

BAD Boy Turkey BodiesAre you tired of the frustration and stress that inevitably comes with mounting the infamous wild turkey?! Well, we at Boondocks Taxidermy, have the solution to your problem! We are very excited to introduce our own line of award-winning turkey bodies. These are the same bodies Brett used on his turkeys to win the 2009 World Champion title and many other awards in 2009. Boondocks BAD Boy Bodies are the most anatomically correct forms available in the industry, thus allowing the taxidermist using it to pull off a more symmetrical, natural-looking, beautiful mount with more ease, less time, and a lot less frustration. Boondocks BAD Boy Turkey Bodies have been researched, refined, and developed for about 2 years and are finally ready to be made available to the taxidermy industry. Please read the testimonials from other taxidermists who have used our line of turkey bodies to see what they think of BAD Boy Bodies. You’ve tried the rest, now try the best…Boondocks BAD Boy Turkey Bodies. Call and order yours today!

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Turkey Bodies - BAD Boy Bodies

Creating the Better Turkey

Turkey Bodies and Bad Boy Bodies

At Boondocks Taxidermy creating a better turkey display is an ongoing passion which we hope to provide to the taxidermy industry through BAD Boy Bodies and our freeze-dried turkey heads. We are dedicated to supplying your turkey taxidermy needs with the highest level of turkey products and customer service.